
trailers for the new year

amazing idea – i have faith in nolan’s power to tell astonishing stories

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another kung-fu/history/legend chinese type of movie… but hey, it has Jet Li in it

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knock knock… who’s there …. COP OUT – should be funny, c’mon, it has bruce willis and a black dude and… sean william scott – where did i see this before …. hmmmm… lethal weapon (2) ?

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furrrrrryyyyy… or in other words “the animals are out to get me” … didn’t inspired me very much, but the trailer is kinda funny (btw, did brendan fraser gained some weight ? like a lot of it ??)

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and to wrap it up, here comes another karate kid movie, only the kid is black … and is in beijing (where they invented the stuff he does !) and is trained by *drums drums drums* Jackie Chan

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to think about

work like you don’t need the money, love like you have never been hurt, dance like nobody sees you, sing like nobody listens to you


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