
trailers #2/2013

actually these are series promos. some upcoming tv series that might be interesting or just summer guilty pleasures

1. the tomorrow people

for x-men fans, here’s something quite similar


2. the originals

the vampire diaries spin-off

i’m a fan of klaus (and the british actor that portraits him) and i admit this is one of my guilty pleasures


3. hannibal

this has already started but it’s very, very good


4. da vinci’s demons

looking very stylized and … resembling a fantasy graphic novel


5. in the flesh

interesting BBC original series (got me very curious)


6. graceland

seems alright, got a small amount of my attention


7. agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

because the Avengers struck gold, they are milking every angle – like this one. nonetheless, could be interesting


8. ironside

nothing like a cop with attitude… good ol’ fashion police investigation series


9. almost human

buddy cop, or better yet a cop and a funny android … seems like fun


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to think about

work like you don’t need the money, love like you have never been hurt, dance like nobody sees you, sing like nobody listens to you


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